A true classic: Christmas hit Home Alone keeps almost 3 million Romanians in front of the TV every year

The 25-year old Christmas comedy Home Alone, starring Macaulay Culkin, still manages to keep millions in front of the TV in Romania.
Local TV station PRO TV broadcasted Home Alone on Saturday evening, December 5, for the tenth time in the past 11 years. The movie was watched, on average, by 2.6 million Romanians, bringing PRO TV a more-than-double audience compared to its closest competitor. The TV station had 14 rating points and a market share of 27%, overall, on Saturday evening, according to data presented by media analysis website PaginaDeMedia.ro.
At its peak (the golden minute), Home Alone had 3.18 million spectators, almost a third of all the people watching TV at that hour.
The movie has been a sure recipe for high audiences for PRO TV throughout the years. In 2014 and 2013, the movie had an average audience of 2.7 million people.
PRO TV has been broadcasting Home Alone almost every year, in December, since the TV station was launched, on December 1, 1995.
(Photo source: Home Alone of Facebook)