Average net salary, up 8.4% in Romania in December

The average net salary in Romania increased by 8.4% in December 2016 compared to the previous month, reaching RON 2,354 (EUR 523.6), according to the National Statistics Institute (INS).
In gross value, the average salary in Romania reached RON 3,257 (EUR 724). The month-on-month increase was determined by the holiday bonuses paid in December by the local companies.
The net average wage saw an increase of 36.3% in the extraction of crude oil and natural gas and a growth of 30-32% in forestry and logging (including fisheries and aquaculture), real estate, warehousing and support activities for transportation. The average wage in the pharma production, as well as in beverage production or financial intermediation recorded increases of 14.5-16.5%.
Compared to December 2015, the average net salary increased by 11.4%. The highest average net wages were recorded in the oil refining sector, namely RON 6,120 (EUR 1,360). At the opposite end, the employees in hotels and restaurants only earned on average RON 1,332 (EUR 296).