Romanian commodity exchange BRM launches electricity trading platform

The Romanian Commodity Exchange (BRM) announced the launch, starting February 7, 2022, of its platform for negotiating and trading bilateral electricity supply contracts with a delivery duration greater than or equal to one month.
It adds to the OPCOM market operated by the electricity transport system operator Transelectrica.
The initiative of the Romanian Commodity Exchange to launch a trading platform takes place in the context of liberalizing the activity of operating the energy markets provided for in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/943 on the internal market in electricity and Directive (EU) 2019/944 on common rules for the internal market in electricity, normative acts that allow the trading of electricity on over-the-counter markets not regulated by the domain authority.
The directives were implemented by amendments brought to Law no. 123/2012 on electricity and natural gas by Emergency Ordinance no. 143/2021.
According to the BRM, long-term bilateral contracts are meant to fill a gap currently felt in the domestic electricity market. In addition, they have a decisive role in covering the risks of volatility of the price of electricity, visible in the last period of time.
"Recovering a fruitful tradition, the platform provided by BRM thus marks an expected stage, acutely necessary in the process of developing the Romanian electricity markets and aligning with the requirements of EU law," said the BRM representatives in a statement, quoted by daily Adevarul.
(Photo: Madamlead/ Dreamstime)