Burn Hospital in Bucharest close to shutting down after doctor films shocking images

A doctor from the Burn Hospital in Bucharest has filmed some really shocking images inside the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. The video published by Tolo.ro shows white fly larvae on a patient’s neck, behind the ear.
“There are people who have been admitted to the Burn Unit 10-11 days ago. They were brought directly to us. Considering that the unit is full of flies, the things we see in the video are, most likely, fly larvae,” said the doctor who filmed the images.
Meanwhile, the patient filmed by the doctor died. However, according to hospital spokesman and doctor Adrian Stanculea, the larvae didn’t cause the man’s death.
Following the video’s appearance in the media, a team from the Department of Public Health Bucharest is currently checking the situation. The Police has also started investigating, according to Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu, who organized a press conference on Thursday, July 14, the day the disturbing footage was published. The minister said closing down the hospital is the main option now, with all serious burn victims to be re-routed abroad in the future.
For the time being, only the Transfusion Center was closed down. The incident comes soon after a women died at the Burn Hospital in June, just days after she got a wrong blood transfusion. The prosecutors decided to open a criminal investigation, reports local Mediafax. However, according to the hospital, the fact that the woman got a transfusion with a wrong group of blood wasn’t the cause of death.
According to Tolo.ro, the hospital also started an internal investigation.
The biggest scandal in the Romanian health sector this year is the one related to the diluted disinfectants used in hospitals for years.
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Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com