Early Music Festival dedicated to Bach this year - complete schedule of concerts

The Bucharest Early Music Festival, organized by Medieval Praxis, will start on October 30 in Bucharest. The event will be dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach this year, celebrating 325 years since the birth of the composer and commemorating 260 years since his death. Already at its fifth edition, the festival features music predating the Classical period in West European music.
Three performances will be organized on October 30, 31 and November 1st at the Romanian Atheneum. Tickets will be priced RON 65/concert for the first category, RON 40/concert for the second category and RON 20/concert for students. Season tickets are also available for RON 150 for the entire festival.
The tickets can be bought from the Romanian Athenaeum and Eventim network through: Germanos, Vodafone, Cărtureşti and Humanitas bookshops and online on eventim.ro. In order to buy season tickets, please contact us on office@medievalpraxis.ro or at 0371.18.01.14
For orders from outside Bucharest or abroad, the price of sending the ticket will be added. Read more about the festival here (in English).
See below complete schedule:
Saturday, 30 October,19,00 hours
"Magnificat anima mea Dominum", @The Romanian Atheneum; ”Ich habe genug”, BWV 82; “Magnificat anima mea Dominum”, BWV 243
Il Gardellino Ensemble, Radio Children Choir, Raluca Enea - soprano I, Irina Grigorescu - soprano II, Cezar-Florin Ouatu - countertenor, Ionuţ Popescu - tenor, Ştefan Schuller - base
Sunday, 31 October, 19,00 hours
" At the Court of the Noble Harpsichord", @The Romanian Atheneum; Ouverture in D major, BWV 1068 – Ouverture – Air – Gavotte I/II – Bourée – Gigue (listen below)
Brandenburg Concert in D major, BWV 1050 – Allegro – Affettuoso – Allegro; Two harpsichords concert in c minor, BWV 1060 – Allegro – Adagio – Allegro
Il Gardellino Ensemble, Ketil Haugsand – harpsichord, Jan de Winne – flauto traverso, Mayumi Hirasaki – violin, Raluca Enea – harpsichord
Monday, 1 November,19,00 hours
"Choir of angels", @The Romanian Atheneum; The Motets BWV 225 - 230
Il Gardellino Ensemble, Cantemus Chamber Choir, Ketil Haugsand – harpsichord
Musical leading: Ketil Haugsand