Employees in IT&C get the highest average salaries in Romania

The highest average salaries in Romania were recorded in the IT&C and the oil and gas extraction sectors, with values of over EUR 1,000.
Hotels and restaurants paid the lowest wages, below EUR 290, according to the National Statistics Institute (INS).
In the IT services sector, the average net salary was EUR 1,215, in August 2016. In the oil and natural gas extraction sector the average net wage amounted to EUR 1,058 while employees working in the oil refining sector had an average net wage of close to EUR 1,000.
The air transport sector comes next, with an average net salary of EUR 957. Meanwhile, the furniture industry, the confections industry, and the hotels and restaurants sector paid the lowest average wages, of under EUR 325.
The average net salary in Romania reached RON 2,076 (EUR 462) in August, relatively similar to July. Compared to August last year, the average net wage went up by 14.5%.