Eurobarometer: Over half of the Romanians still trust the EU compared to only a third of the Europeans

Ten years after joining the union, Romanians trust the EU is still at higher levels than the EU average, the most recent Eurobarometer (Fall 2016) shows. More than half of Romanians, namely 52%, trust the European Union, compared to an EU average of 36%. The local trust levels are however lower than when the country joined the union. In 2007, some 65% of the Romanians said they trusted the EU.
At the same time, the local population continues to be optimistic about Europe’s future, again at levels above the EU average: 67% in Romania, compared to 50% EU wide. This is also a decline compared to 2007 levels, when 75% were optimistic about the EU future, compared to the EU average of 69%.
"The fact that Romanians continue to be optimistic about Europe's future gives us hope that they will actively participate in the debate that (EC) president Juncker launched on March 1 when he presented five scenarios for the European Union in 2025," said Angela Cristea, the head of the European Commission Office in Romania.
"As European commissioner Corina Cretu said, Romania has the chance, for the first time since it joined the EU, to contribute to this reform process of the 27-member states EU, which now needs to establish its vision in accordance to the expectations of the citizens, on the one side, and the political will of the member states, on the other," she added.
When it comes to EU priorities, almost 8 in 10 Romanians (77%) support the free movement of EU citizens to work, study or do business anywhere in the union.
Some 61% of Romanians are in favor of a wider EU expansion while 59% support a single EU policy concerning migration. At the same time, more than half of Romanians (55%) are in favor of an economic and monetary union.
Around two third of Romanians are in favor of a free trade and investment agreement between the EU and the US, with 71% supporting such an agreement. Some 69% support a shared defense and security policy while 65% are in favor of a shared foreign affairs policy. Also, 65% support a shared energy policy. Six in 10 Romanians (62%) support a digital single market.
Two third of Romanians say they feel European citizens, close to the EU average.
At the same time, two out of three Romanians think the voice of the EU counts at a worldwide level. The values that best represent the EU, according to Romanians, are human rights (according to 38% of respondents), democracy (32%), and peace (27%). They also think geography is the best link to a community feeling among EU citizens (23%), followed by a respect for the rule of law and solidarity with poorer regions (18%), and the healthcare system, educations and pensions (17%).
Trust in Romania's national institutions is below the EU average, although it went up over the past ten years. Trust in the national parliament increased in Romania from 19% to 22%, while the trust in the national government went up from 19% in 2007 to 22%. At a European level, trust in national parliaments averaged 32%, down from 43% ten years ago, while trust in national governments stood at 31%, down from 41% ten years ago.
Eurobarometer: Most Romanians have a positive image about the EU