Facebook users help catch fatal hit-and-run suspect in Romania

An unidentified driver who mortally struck a woman in Bucharest and left the scene of the crime, on August 24, was caught two days later after thousands of Facebook users jumped to help the police investigation.
The collective investigation started after popular police officer Marian Godina asked his over 330,000 Facebook fans to help identify the car that hit the woman. He posted several photos of the car as taken by cameras in an intersection. The photos showed the car model and color but the registration number was not visible.
Some 2,800 people shared his post and many posted comments trying to contribute to the police efforts. One of these hints proved useful and helped the investigators find the car and the driver, on Friday night, August 26.
The suspect, who is 23, admitted that he hit the woman. The police also found that he didn’t have a driver’s license. However, the woman was apparently jaywalking when she was struck, the investigation revealed.
The prosecutor working on the case decided to let the suspect walk and didn’t ask for his arrest, according to Agerpres.
Marian Godina thanked his Facebook fans for their contribution to the investigation and expressed his frustration that the suspect was not arrested.
On Monday, the prosecutors decided to ask the court to issue an arrest warrant for the man.
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