May 1 mini-break: Romanians can share their rides to the seaside with the new Uber service

Uber will introduce the UberVAMA pilot service in Romania at the end of this month, via which the Romanians leaving from Bucharest to Vama Veche seaside resort for the May 1 mini-break can share their rides with other people.
The drivers will be able to share the ride with up to three other passengers, with the cost of one trip being RON 150 (EUR 33). The passengers will be able to split the cost equally between them with the “split fare” option.
Through this service, Uber wants to help bring more people to the seaside, in fewer cars. According to data from previous years, some 60,000 cars are expected at the seaside in the April 28 – May 1 weekend, out of which 25,000 will go to Vama Veche, one of the most popular seaside resorts in Romania, especially among young people.
Those who want to spend the May 1 mini-break at the seaside and share the ride with other people will have to sign up on the Uber website first. Then, the Uber team will contact the driver to explain what to do next. For example, the driver’s license should be at least one year old, the car should be one that has been well maintained, and the driver should have a clean criminal record.
Next, on Friday (April 28), the driver should open the Uber app for partners between 08:00 – 10:00, 12:00 – 14:00, or 16:00 – 18:00, and the app will connect him with a group of up to three passengers who are also going to Vama Veche. The same on the way back.
May 1, the Labor Day, is a day off in Romania, so most Romanians will enjoy a mini-holiday in that period. Traditionally, many Romanians spend May 1 at the seaside.
Uber: Romania is our second market in the region, after Poland
Over 250,000 customers use Uber services in Romania
Irina Popescu,