Famous medieval castle in Romania may be restored with EU funds

09 March 2017

Famous medieval castle in Romania may be restored with EU funds

09 March 2017

Corvinilor Castle, one of the most beautiful castles in Romania and a well-known tourist site, could be restored with EU funds.

The local authorities have submitted a EUR 5 million project to the Regional Development Agency (ARD) West, and the project got a score that makes it eligible, reports local Agerpres.

Several of the castle’s tourist objectives could be restored under this project, such as the Painted Tower, the Knights’ Room, and the Capistrano Tower. However, the local authorities still have a long process to go through to get the EU funding.

Hunedoara mayor Dan Boboutanu said that the project to restore Corvinilor Castle can be considered a first step in the City Hall’s complex program that aims to bring important changes to the historical monument’s area, the city’s Old Town, and the road to the castle.

Corvinilor Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in Romania. Its construction started in 1446 at the orders of Ioan de Hunedoara, who was the Governor of the Kingdom of Hungary at the time. The building features tall and strong defense towers, bastions, an inner courtyard, and a drawbridge.

Located in Hunedoara, the castle is a frequent stage for festivals, opera, and other performances. Moreover, several films have been shot at the castle, as well as commercials and even a virtual reality production. Most recently, American actors Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Aaron Eckhart came to Romania in mid-January to shoot a commercial at Corvinilor Castle.

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Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com

(Photo source: Wikipedia, Daniel Carcea)

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