New Romanian President Klaus Iohannis signs over 2,000 books at the launch of his autobiography

Romania’s newly elected President Klaus Iohannis signed over 2,000 books on Wednesday (November 19), when he launched his autobiography Step by Step (Pas cu Pas), reports the local media. The launching event took place at Romexpo in Bucharest, during the Gaudeaumus International Book Fair.
Curtea Veche Publishing’s stand at the fair sold over 4,000 copies of Iohannis’ book, finishing the day’s stock.
“As a President, I will try to reconnect the book to the man and the man to the book, especially the young people. It’s important for me that we don’t just give a signal through and with books, but we give a signal for and through culture in general. In my opinion, culture saves us,” said Iohannis during the launching event, reports local Agerpres.
Later that day, after the event, the new President also thanked people via a message posted on his Facebook page.
“I want to assure all of you that there will be a second edition of this book, completed and enlarged. I will soon work on a separate chapter in which I will talk about the people I’ve met in recent months, people that have sent me their thoughts about the hopes of a Romania where things are done well, about trust and about this successful story that was my electoral campaign. I will talk about how, step by step, we have taken the country back,” Iohannis said in his Facebook message.
In the 200-page book, Iohannis presents several moments of his life, speaking about his childhood, his adolescence, his wife and sister, about the time when he was a student in Cluj-Napoca, as well as about his career in education. Step by Step is available online at and at Curtea Veche Publishing’s stand at the Gaudeamus Fair (in Romanian for the moment), for RON 15 (EUR 3.4).
The book is also selling online, on, as an e-book, for RON 7.14 (EUR 1.6). It is only available in Romanian.
The Gaudeaumus International Book Fair is currently ongoing at Romexpo and it will end on November 23.
Irina Popescu,