(P) Cambridge School EYFS-Kindergarten: Two Campuses, One Family

Cambridge School of Bucharest (CSB), a leader in the Bucharest International educational scene since 1994, will be opening a new campus for Early Years-Kindergarten to Year 13 students in Pipera, as well as maintaining its Early Years-Kindergarten campus in the centre of the city, just off of Soseaua Stefan cel Mare.
The new Early Years-Kindergarten campus in Pipera has been built on the edge of Baneasa Forest to promote outdoor play and learning opportunities for students. All students at Cambridge School of Bucharest enjoy daily outdoor play. “Daily outdoor time has endless benefits”, says Rachel Dunn, a CSB Year 1 teacher, “from cultivating an appreciation of the natural world and promoting an active lifestyle, to encouraging understanding of risk and developing social skills. This is why daily outdoor time is an essential part of the daily routine for early years’ learners at Cambridge School”.
CSB provides a child-centred early years’ education, and focuses on educating “the whole child”.
“Although academics including maths, language and literacy are important, at Cambridge School, we equally value personal, social, and emotional development, physical development, expressive arts and design, and a general understanding of the world”, says Hayley Sapun, a CSB EYFS teacher. “These areas are vital in allowing children to explore all forms of intelligence as well as ensuring they feel safe and gain resilience and confidence”.
CSB provides a British Education for a diverse and multicultural student body.
“The diversity of our student body is one of the many things that makes our Early Years programme so special”, says Lauren Eisen, Head of the CSB EYFS Kindergarten-Pipera. “Our students come from all over the world, and we celebrate that in our classrooms. Our diverse student body readies students for success in an increasingly global and multicultural world. We believe that a thorough education in today’s world entails preparing students to be global citizens, while cultivating understanding and respect for diverse people and traditions around the world”.
CSB has students from over 40 nationalities. “The diversity of our students has certainly enriched student learning”, says Lauren Eisen. Every year, CSB students enjoy lessons where students cook and share traditional foods from the cultural backgrounds of their classmates and their families. Further supporting this global emphasis is the theme for the annual Winter Theatre Show—Celebrations Around the World. This theme came from the students themselves, who voted on the idea. This is clear evidence of how globally minded these young learners are! “It was beautiful to see our students so inspired by their classmates’ cultures!” Ms. Eisen continues.
The CSB Early Years-Kindergarten has deeply ingrained British Values in within multicultural classrooms. “At CSB, our curriculum offers students opportunities to exercise their democratic rights by expressing their opinions and ideas,” says Naomi Springer, Head of EYFS Kindergarten-Barbu Mumuleanu, the city centre campus. “The teachers tailor the learning experience and provision based upon student feedback through collective project meetings and personalised activities. Our EYFS-Kindergarten has a strong sense of community that encourages the British Value of mutual respect and tolerance. We celebrate festivals from around the world and share our heritage through special lessons and cookery sessions in addition to our annual family events like the International Picnic.”
All classes are taught using English as the language of instruction, save one hour of Modern Languages a day. At the Pipera Campus, students have the opportunity to take lessons in Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, or Romanian as a part of their daily learning routine. In the Primary School, students will also have the opportunities to take Turkish and French, with German and Spanish also becoming course options in Key Stage 3.
The CSB Early Years programme adapted quickly to the emergency school closure due to COVID-19. Kindergarten students receive weekly at-home learning activities, daily videos from teachers, and enjoy three live class meetings a week where learning continues focusing on phonics, language, literacy, and maths.
“We are very happy with commitment and effort of the CSB Kindergarten for keeping our kids on their educational path in the given circumstance”, says Mr. Jitea, a parent of an EYFS student at Cambridge School. “The improvement in our daughter’s education is so obvious, we cannot see her being anywhere else.
To book an appointment to learn more about the CSB Early Years-Kindergarten Programme at the Pipera Campus or the central Barbu Mumuleanu Campus, please email admissions@cambridgeschool.ro today!
(p) - this article is an advertorial.