Romania chooses official slogan for the Euro 2016

Romanian fans have voted the slogan that will appear on the Romanian team’s bus at the European Football Championship (Euro 2016), which will start next month in France.
The winning slogan is O echipă, trei culori și milioane de inimi care bat pentru România! (One team, three colors and millions of hearts that beat for Romania!).
The fans had to choose between three slogans, the other two being Pasiunile redau emoții, emoțiile nasc victorii. Uniți pentru România! (Pasions give emotions, victories arise from emotions. United for Romania!) and In piept același ritm, în vene același sânge, în minte același gând! România! (The same rhythm in our chests, the same blood in our veins, the same thought in our minds! Romania!).
Euro 2016 brings together 24 national teams, the highest number in the competition’s history. The fans of all 24 teams had to choose a slogan for their favorite team.
The Romanian slogan is among the longest, with most other teams having chosen short and punchy slogans. For example, England’s winning slogan is One team, one dream, the French team’s slogan is Votre force, notre passion (Your force, our passion), and the Republic of Ireland’s slogan is Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it. Find all the slogans here.
Euro 2016 will take place between June 10 and July 10 in France. Romania will play the opening match against host France on June 10. Next, the Romanians will play against Switzerland on June 15 and against Albania on June 19. Find out more here.
Euro 2016: Romania national football team coach makes 40 times less than England’s Roy Hodgson
Irina Popescu,