Romania tightens border controls starting April 7

Romania will tighten the border controls starting April 7, as new regulation amending the Schengen borders code, which was adopted by the European Parliament and the European Council, enters into force.
This means that, starting this Friday, the border control authorities of EU countries, including the Romanian Border Police, will carry out systematic checks at the entry and exit points from member states. The waiting time at the borders will most likely increase.
The Border Police will check the travel documents of those who want to cross the border, and will consult the relevant databases on all persons, including those enjoying the right of free movement under EU law (i.e. EU citizens and members of their families who are not EU citizens) both at the entrance and at the exit from the country, according to a statement from the Romanian Border Police.
The databases against which checks will be carried out include the Schengen Information System (SIS), Interpol's database on stolen and lost travel documents (SLTD), and the national databases.
“The checks allow the member states to make sure that the persons in question don’t represent a threat to public order, internal security or public health, and to improve the security of the European Union and its citizens,” reads the statement from the Romanian Border Police.
The obligation applies to all external borders (air, sea, and land), both on exit and entry. This means that the waiting time at international airports in Romania, which is already long enough, will most likely increase, especially around Easter. However, the Romanian Border Police also announced that it has taken all the necessary measures to reduce the waiting time at borders, including bringing additional staff.
Those who want to see what’s the average waiting time at a certain Romanian border can do it online here (page available in Romanian).
According to the Romanian Border Police, the passenger traffic to and from Romania has increased by over 280% compared to 2001-2002.
Over 1,600 foreigners tried to cross Romania’s borders illegally in 2016
Irina Popescu,
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