Romania is the country where the world’s happiest children live, report shows

19 August 2015

A recent Children's Society report shows that children in Romania are the happiest in the world, followed by those in Colombia, reports Sky News. On the other hand, school children in England and South Korea are the most unhappy.

When asked if they were unhappy with their life as a whole, only one in 100 Romanian children said “yes”, compared to one in 14 in England. Romanian girls also had the highest score for body confidence, with an average of 9.4 out of a maximum 10. In comparison, the girls in England ranked second to last, with a score of 7.3. English youngsters also had the lowest score for self-confidence.

A total of 15 countries were surveyed for this report. The Good Childhood Report 2015 examined how 53,000 children aged 10 and 12 felt about themselves.

The world’s happiest children live in three countries. Is Romania one of them? 

Irina Popescu,


Romania is the country where the world’s happiest children live, report shows

19 August 2015

A recent Children's Society report shows that children in Romania are the happiest in the world, followed by those in Colombia, reports Sky News. On the other hand, school children in England and South Korea are the most unhappy.

When asked if they were unhappy with their life as a whole, only one in 100 Romanian children said “yes”, compared to one in 14 in England. Romanian girls also had the highest score for body confidence, with an average of 9.4 out of a maximum 10. In comparison, the girls in England ranked second to last, with a score of 7.3. English youngsters also had the lowest score for self-confidence.

A total of 15 countries were surveyed for this report. The Good Childhood Report 2015 examined how 53,000 children aged 10 and 12 felt about themselves.

The world’s happiest children live in three countries. Is Romania one of them? 

Irina Popescu,


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