Romanian city comes out first in the world in Internet download speed ranking

The Romanian city of Timisoara had the highest Internet download speed in the world in the first half of this year, according to a ranking of 30 cities by Net Index. Timisoara had a download speed of 89.91 Mbps, while the second ranking city Vilnius had a download speed of 52.09 Mbps.
The second Romanian city to appear in the ranking was Constanta, on the 14th place, with a speed of 34.45 Mbps. Capital city Bucharest came 19th, with a speed of 33.57 Mbps, and Brasov, 27th, with 31.01 Mbps. The full ranking is here.
World City Ranking requires at least 75,000 unique IP addresses for a given city. Results were obtained by analyzing test data between Jun 2, 2013 and Jul 1, 2013. Tests from 111,072 unique IPs have been taken in this city and of 740,850 total tests, 13,785 are being used for the current Index.
In most international rankings, Romania is among the first places in the world based on the speed of its Internet service. In Akamai's The State of the Internet report covering the fourth quarter of 2012, Romania came fourth on average peak connection speed by EMEA country/region.