Romanian steam train route reopens in Transylvania

The route of the steam train Mocănița going through the Bistrița-Năsăud and Mureș counties, in Romania’s Transylvania’s region, reopened starting May 27, Agerpres reported.
The steam train will perform its next trips between June 1 and June 4, on the mini-break occasioned by the Whit Sunday.
The train, called The Mocănița of Transylvania, takes a 35 km tour, linking the Teaca locality in the Bistrița-Năsăud to Râciu in Mureș county.
Departures start at 10:00, in the Teaca station. The train can carry a maximum of 60 people, and a minimum of 20.
“During this period we can enjoy several relaxing days in nature, admiring the green hills of Transylvania, all sorts of wild animals, and get acquainted to a railway that is more than a century old. The departure is made from the Teaca station, and on the way we will stop at the Wolf’s Valley and in the Ocnița station. At Comlod we will make a visit at the Teleki Castle, which is in a precarious state and in urgent need of repairing,” said representatives of the Mocănița Transilvaniei Association, which is in charge with promoting this train route.
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(Photo source: Mocănița Transilvaniei Facebook Page)