Romanian travel agency informs customers of its insolvency via text message

Romanian travel agency Genius Travel sent a series of contradictory messages to its customers, informing them of its insolvency.
On Friday last week, the clients who had acquired tickets from Genius Travel received a text message that the company was insolvent, reports local The message also informed the clients that they could recover the money paid for touristic packages at the debtors’ table, like all the rest of the company’s creditors.
The next day people received another message from the company informing them that the problem was solved. The story took a new twist yesterday, when customers received a third message telling them that the company had indeed entered insolvency.
Genius Travel has been active on the local market since 2008. The company had a turnover of EUR 521,000 and losses of EUR 116,000 in 2015, according to data from the Finance Ministry.