Over one in five Romanian university graduates are engineers, the highest share in EU

One in five university graduates in Romania (21.2%) specialize in engineering, manufacturing & construction. Romania thus has the highest share of engineers in the European Union (EU). The average share of engineering graduates in the EU is 14.4%, according to EU’s statistical office Eurostat.
Romania had 153,500 university graduates in 2014, 32,500 of whom were engineers, according to Eurostat data. Overall, in the EU there were 686,000 engineering graduates out of 4.75 million students who finished tertiary education.
Austria ranks second for the share of graduates from engineering schools, with 20.8%, followed by Finland, with 20.5%, and Germany, with 20.4%. In the UK only 8.8% of the university graduates are engineers whereas the Netherlands has a share of 8.2%.
France produces the highest number of engineers in the EU, over 114,000 in 2014, followed by Germany - 106,000.
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