Media: Romanian PM could name a woman to take the EUR 1.1 bln regional development portfolio

Sevil Shhaideh, a state secretary in Romania’s Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, could replace her boss Liviu Dragnea as a minister, according to political sources quoted by Romanian media.
Prime Minister Victor Ponta said he will name a new minister on Wednesday, after Dragnea’s resignation.
Liviu Dragnea, the second most important man in Ponta’s Social Democratic Party (PSD) and one of the most powerful ministers in his cabinet, announced he would leave the Government after a Romanian court sentenced him to one year probation for electoral fraud in the 2012 referendum.
Sevil Shhaideh, 50, has been Dragnea’s most trusted collaborator in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and she also has the party’s support to take over his position in the Government, according to sources quoted by Romania TV news station. She has been state secretary since December 2012.
Prior to that, she worked at the Constanta County Council, led by Nicusor Constantinescu, one of PSD’s so-called “local barons”. Shhaideh worked as general manager of the General Directorate for Projects, from 2007 until 2012, and before that she was an IT director in the same institution, from 1991 until 2007.
Sevil Shhaideh is an economist. She graduated the Economic Studies University (ASE) in Bucharest and holds a master’s degree in business projects from the Ovidius University in Constanta.
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration is one of the biggest portfolios in Romania’s Government. The minister coordinates all local authorities in Romania and handles some of the largest projects financed with EU funds. The ministry has an estimated budget of EUR 1.12 billion, or 4% of the state’s total expenditures this year.