Strongest earthquake this year shakes Romania

An earthquake with the magnitude of 5.6 degrees on the Richter scale took place in the Vrancea seismic area in Romania on Saturday evening, shortly after 9:00 PM. The depth of the quake was 40 kilometres, which is why it was felt quite strongly around the epicentre.
The earthquake was felt in the capital Bucharest, as well as in other cities in the Muntenia, Moldova, and Dobrogea regions - South, North and East. It was felt for more than 30 seconds, according unofficial estimates.
This was one of the strongest earthquakes felt in Romania in recent years and also the strongest this year. The previous stronger earhquake was felt in Romania on October 6, 2013. That one was 5.5 degrees on the Richter scale.
Some mobile networks experienced technical problems after the quake, preventing users from making voice calls.
No material damages have been reported by publishing time of this article.
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