Trick or treat! Halloween themed parties in Bucharest

The Halloween frenzy has taken over Romania, so whatever party venue you might chose on Saturday, October 30, it will most likely host a Halloween themed party. has made a list of Halloween parties in Bucharest you should check out before choosing your trick or treat location. (Click on the MAP links below to see how to get to the party)
Friday, October 29
Halloween Party, Bellagio Club (31 Stefan Cel Mare Sos.) MAP
21,00 hours The Dead Ceausescus concert in Control Club (19 Academiei St) MAP Entry ticket RON 20
Halloween Bal Mascat at Flaros – Flacara Rosie Bucharest (69-73 Ion Minulescu St.) MAP
22,00 hours Pumpkins Friday Night at the Bragadiru Palace in Bucharest (147-153 Calea Rahovei) MAP Entry ticket RON 35
Saturday, October 30
18,30 hours Ovidiu Rom's Halloween Charity Ball at the People's Palace, Unirii Hall; dress code – 1950s; MAP
Halloween Costume Party in 100 Crossroads in Bucharest (100 Calea Mosilor) MAP
20,00 hours Association of French Abroad organizes 70s&80s themed party at Embassy Club MAP
20,00 hours Halloween Party in Fire Club (12 Gabroveni St.) MAP
20,00 hours Nox Aurea and Gothic concert in Cage Club in Bucharest (171 Nicolae Titulescu) Entry ticket RON 20
21,00 hours Halloween @ Fourteen in Bucharest (14 Benjamin Franklin St). MAP Entry ticket RON 10 at the door
21,00 hours Halloween at the Castle at Universul Castle (23-25 Brezoianu St.) MAP Entry ticket RON 10
22,00 hours Halloween Costume Party in Zamolxe Club in Bucharest (54 Timisoara Blvd.)
21,00 hours Halloween Party in Woodstock Cafe (141 Traian St.) MAP
22,00 hours Halloween Party at the Kulturhaus in Bucharest (4 Sf Vineri St – former Twice club) MAP
22,00 hours Halloween Party at the Silver Church Club in Bucharest (61 Plevnei St.) MAP Entry ticket RON 20
Halloween Party at the Mash Cocktail Bar in Bucharest (42 Stefan Cel Mare St.) Site
The Biggest Halloween Bash in Envy Club in Bucharest (3 Amiral Constantin Balescu) Site
22,00 hours Release the Bats on Halloween in Underworld Club in Bucharest (48 Coltea St.) MAP
22,30 hours Trooper concert on Halloween Night in Hard Rock Cafe (32 Kisellef St.) MAP Entry ticket RON 25
Halloween Party in Le Gaga Terrace & Lounge in Bucharest (Herastrau park) MAP
23,00 hours TRick or Treat party in Kristal Glam Club (2 Sebastian Bach St.) MAP
Halloween Night in El Comandante (8 Stravopoleu St), El Primer Comandante (13 Sf. Stefan St.), El Grande Comandante (26 Viitorului St.)
Send us an e-mail if you are organizing or know about a Halloween Party which was not included in this list. Let us know the time, venue, address and entry cost for the party.