Romanian investor Bobby Paunescu (in picture), known for his investments in local media and in international film...
The four-star Pullman hotel in Bucharest will be up for sale for some EUR 20 million in January next year, as part of...
Romania and China have signed a series of memorandums of understanding for energy projects, as well as animal exports....
A separate court that will deal with company registrations, the trade registry, disloyal competition and insolvency in...
Romania publisher Mediafax Group has decided to stop printing its sports daily ProSport, and to move it exclusively...
A package of 16.5 percent in Romanian electrode producer Ductil Buzau was recently sold on the Bucharest Stock Exchange...
Romanian energy producer Hidroelectrica plans to sell 14 micro hydro power plants it owns, at a starting price of EUR 10...
Romania ranks last on absorption of money from the European Social Fund ESF, with a 26 percent rate, which is less than...
A Croatian businessman was shot three times while leaving his office in northern Bucharest on Friday evening (November...
Romanian investor Bobby Paunescu (in picture), known for his investments in local media and in international film...
The four-star Pullman hotel in Bucharest will be up for sale for some EUR 20 million in January next year, as part of...
Romania and China have signed a series of memorandums of understanding for energy projects, as well as animal exports....
A separate court that will deal with company registrations, the trade registry, disloyal competition and insolvency in...
Romania publisher Mediafax Group has decided to stop printing its sports daily ProSport, and to move it exclusively...
A package of 16.5 percent in Romanian electrode producer Ductil Buzau was recently sold on the Bucharest Stock Exchange...
Romanian energy producer Hidroelectrica plans to sell 14 micro hydro power plants it owns, at a starting price of EUR 10...
Romania ranks last on absorption of money from the European Social Fund ESF, with a 26 percent rate, which is less than...
A Croatian businessman was shot three times while leaving his office in northern Bucharest on Friday evening (November...