German companies in RO: Business will go bad, but not for us

07 June 2022

Despite the economic outlook "hitting an all-time low," the German companies operating in Romania have rather optimistic expectations when it comes to their own businesses, and they plan to invest.

Namely, over 40% of the German companies surveyed by AHK Romania expect an improvement in their business (indeed down from 42.9% last autumn) versus only 10% expecting certain deterioration.

Some 25% of the German companies in Romania plan to invest more (compared to 32.7% last autumn), and 41% of them will hire more (40.8% last autumn).

In contrast, when it comes to the local economic developments over the next 12 months, over 51.8% of them expect significant deterioration, and only 10.7% expect an improvement (down from 20.4% last year).

The balance of 41% net negative overall economic expectations marks a historic minimum.

"We are living in very difficult times, and we are once again in a partially paradoxical situation. Despite the obvious negative economic prospects, the companies surveyed still want to invest in Romania and, especially, to increase the number of employees. Despite the crises, most of the companies surveyed are doing well at the moment," says Sebastian Metz, general manager, AHK Romania.

(Photo: Ruletkka/ Dreamstime)


German companies in RO: Business will go bad, but not for us

07 June 2022

Despite the economic outlook "hitting an all-time low," the German companies operating in Romania have rather optimistic expectations when it comes to their own businesses, and they plan to invest.

Namely, over 40% of the German companies surveyed by AHK Romania expect an improvement in their business (indeed down from 42.9% last autumn) versus only 10% expecting certain deterioration.

Some 25% of the German companies in Romania plan to invest more (compared to 32.7% last autumn), and 41% of them will hire more (40.8% last autumn).

In contrast, when it comes to the local economic developments over the next 12 months, over 51.8% of them expect significant deterioration, and only 10.7% expect an improvement (down from 20.4% last year).

The balance of 41% net negative overall economic expectations marks a historic minimum.

"We are living in very difficult times, and we are once again in a partially paradoxical situation. Despite the obvious negative economic prospects, the companies surveyed still want to invest in Romania and, especially, to increase the number of employees. Despite the crises, most of the companies surveyed are doing well at the moment," says Sebastian Metz, general manager, AHK Romania.

(Photo: Ruletkka/ Dreamstime)




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