Airport in northern Romanian city of Suceava closes down for EUR 23 mln modernization

The airport in the Northern Romanian city of Suceava has been closed down for renovation, under a EUR 23.3 million investments program. The airport should be re-opened in fall this year, after the runway is completely demolished and rebuilt.
Initially it was planned to keep the airport open during the upgrade but, given that would have prolonged the renovation, it was decided to shut it down.
The modernization process will involve three distinct projects, one of which is financed by Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration Romatsa and will include installing the air control equipment.
Another of the projects involves modernizing the runway using EU money, and a third will see the airport building upgraded, with cash kicked in by the County Council. Work will be carried out by company Tehnic Asist from Botosani county.
Local authorities have started talks to increase the number of flight operators at the Suceava airport, to cover more foreign destinations, and to attract more tourists to the area, which is the gateway to the famous Bucovina region.