Romania's junior coalition partner says suspending the president can have unforeseen effects

23 August 2018

The Social Democratic Party’s junior coalition partner in Romania thinks that suspending president Klaus Iohannis can lead to unforeseen effects and such a decision must take into account the possible risks and consequences.

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), led by former prime minister and current Senate president Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, advises to caution, as Romania will also hold the presidency of the EU Council in the first half of next year, local Digi24 reported.

PSD leader Liviu Dragnea said on Tuesday evening, August 21, that he was ready to start the procedure of suspending Klaus Iohannis if coalition partners ALDE also agree to this. Tariceanu, as head of the Senate, would take the president’s attributions if Iohannis were suspended. The ALDE leader is also seen as a possible candidate of the PSD-ALDE coalition at the presidential elections in November next year.

Romanian ruling party leader doesn’t give up plan to suspend president


Romania's junior coalition partner says suspending the president can have unforeseen effects

23 August 2018

The Social Democratic Party’s junior coalition partner in Romania thinks that suspending president Klaus Iohannis can lead to unforeseen effects and such a decision must take into account the possible risks and consequences.

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), led by former prime minister and current Senate president Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, advises to caution, as Romania will also hold the presidency of the EU Council in the first half of next year, local Digi24 reported.

PSD leader Liviu Dragnea said on Tuesday evening, August 21, that he was ready to start the procedure of suspending Klaus Iohannis if coalition partners ALDE also agree to this. Tariceanu, as head of the Senate, would take the president’s attributions if Iohannis were suspended. The ALDE leader is also seen as a possible candidate of the PSD-ALDE coalition at the presidential elections in November next year.

Romanian ruling party leader doesn’t give up plan to suspend president




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