Aliance Francaise expands with centre in Suceava

The University of Suceava (USV Stefan cel Mare) in partnership with other cultural and professional association in the region founded the fifth Aliance Francaise centre in Romania (AAFS), USV spokesperson Codrut Serban announced.
Among its founding members are the county and city councils, Municipal Library (IG Sbiera), Suceava Municipal Theatre (“Matei Visniec”), teachers’ association and architects’ association, local Agerpres reported.
"A French Alliance is an institution of the community and it is the community that demands, accepts and engages in building a French Alliance. We have support from both the County Council and the Prefecture (...) More than 90% of the county's pupils are francophones," says Sanda Maria Ardeleanu, pointing out that in Suceava county there is no school that does not have French as a study language, and French courses for children have been held since 2018 at the French Office in the city.
"What is important when launching an initiative of this kind is to show the sustainability of the project. The French Alliance is an association that must also have public and private support,” said Helene Roos, director of the French Institute in Bucharest.
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