Alro reaches USD 77 mln energy efficiency investments in Romania
Romanian aluminum producer Alro has invested USD 77 million in an energy efficiency program in Romania over the last six years. Last year alone, investments in this area reached USD 8 million. Alum Tulcea received USD 7 million for its energy efficiency program in 2011. The investment program allowed the company to increase production from 240,000 tonnes of primary aluminum in 2005 to 288,000 tonnes in 2008, without a significant increase in energy consumption.
“The entire amount of electricity bought by Alro, through direct contracts and the Romanian power market operator OPCOM was, and continued to be, used only for production at Alro, Vimetco Extrusion and Alum. Alro, Vimetco and all its subsidiaries have not resold any electricity,” reads a statement from the company.
Alro is a subsidiary of Vimetco, a company which plans to build a EUR 276 mln gas-fired plant in Romania, with EBRD funding. More about it here.