Romanian electro-IT retailer Altex to launch full-fledged marketplace in March 2022

04 October 2021

More than two years after leaving the marketplace of the biggest local online retailer eMAG, Romanian electro-IT retailer Altex, which runs both online and offline businesses, is about to launch its own full-fledged marketplace. The group is already operating as a marketplace to some extent.

"I think we will launch the marketplace in March next year. We took the first steps in the sense that there are several suppliers on the site. Steps have been taken to integrate and automate these services. It was a long process because we want to make it coherent, to maintain the level of existing services," Altex founder Dan Ostahie stated at European Digital Commerce, powered by VTEX, reported.

Ostahie also announced that the mobile app Altex should be available in October of this year.

Ostahie pointed out that Altex's revenues continued to rise in 2021, after a year in which the lockdown strongly fueled the advance of online commerce, thanks to several good decisions.

"If we were traditionally in the electro-IT area, last year we diversified our product portfolio a lot. Their sales continued to grow, which means that we correctly understood the needs of customers," explained Ostahie.

He also elaborated on the move that the company made towards the sector of services by launching Altex Travel following a partnership with Karpaten Turism.

(Photo source: the company)


Romanian electro-IT retailer Altex to launch full-fledged marketplace in March 2022

04 October 2021

More than two years after leaving the marketplace of the biggest local online retailer eMAG, Romanian electro-IT retailer Altex, which runs both online and offline businesses, is about to launch its own full-fledged marketplace. The group is already operating as a marketplace to some extent.

"I think we will launch the marketplace in March next year. We took the first steps in the sense that there are several suppliers on the site. Steps have been taken to integrate and automate these services. It was a long process because we want to make it coherent, to maintain the level of existing services," Altex founder Dan Ostahie stated at European Digital Commerce, powered by VTEX, reported.

Ostahie also announced that the mobile app Altex should be available in October of this year.

Ostahie pointed out that Altex's revenues continued to rise in 2021, after a year in which the lockdown strongly fueled the advance of online commerce, thanks to several good decisions.

"If we were traditionally in the electro-IT area, last year we diversified our product portfolio a lot. Their sales continued to grow, which means that we correctly understood the needs of customers," explained Ostahie.

He also elaborated on the move that the company made towards the sector of services by launching Altex Travel following a partnership with Karpaten Turism.

(Photo source: the company)


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