American official apologizes after undiplomatic remark about the EU in phone call

07 February 2014

The US deputy State Secretary Victoria Nuland issued recently apologized to the European Union after being recorded while saying less diplomatic words about the EU. According to AFP, her voice can be clearly identified in a recording posted on YouTube, where, in a phone call, she says: “F..k the EU!”

She was most likely talking to the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, and their four-minute phone conversation about solving the political situation in Ukraine was recorded without their knowledge.

The US State Department spokesperson Jennifer Psaki did not denied the phone call happened, but said it was a private diplomatic conversation. She accused the Russian authorities that they are publicizing this incident by promoting the recording on Twitter. The spokesperson said Nuland had been in close contact to the chief of EU diplomacy Catherine Ashton and with her EU counterparts and presented apologies for the said words.

Nuland was recently on an European tour, which also included Romania. She then said Romania should stay a “clean” ally for the United States, her remarks seen as a condemnation of recent attempts by lawmakers to shield elected officials from corruption prosecution and re-criminalise libel.


American official apologizes after undiplomatic remark about the EU in phone call

07 February 2014

The US deputy State Secretary Victoria Nuland issued recently apologized to the European Union after being recorded while saying less diplomatic words about the EU. According to AFP, her voice can be clearly identified in a recording posted on YouTube, where, in a phone call, she says: “F..k the EU!”

She was most likely talking to the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, and their four-minute phone conversation about solving the political situation in Ukraine was recorded without their knowledge.

The US State Department spokesperson Jennifer Psaki did not denied the phone call happened, but said it was a private diplomatic conversation. She accused the Russian authorities that they are publicizing this incident by promoting the recording on Twitter. The spokesperson said Nuland had been in close contact to the chief of EU diplomacy Catherine Ashton and with her EU counterparts and presented apologies for the said words.

Nuland was recently on an European tour, which also included Romania. She then said Romania should stay a “clean” ally for the United States, her remarks seen as a condemnation of recent attempts by lawmakers to shield elected officials from corruption prosecution and re-criminalise libel.




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