Update: American tourist goes missing in Romania while paragliding

06 June 2018

Military firefighters, mountain rescuers and gendarmes are searching for an American paraglider who went missing in the Bucegi Mountains on Wednesday, June 6.

The American tourist was with two other paragliders when he went missing, namely another American and a New Zealander, according to the Emergency Inspectorate Unit of Prahova county (ISU Prahova). All three of them were gliding from the Caraiman Cross to the city of Busteni, but only two of them reached the destination. The two paragliders called the emergency number when they realized something happened to their friend.

The search teams are accompanied by two helicopters.

Update: The missing American tourist was found dead after more than eight hours of searches, the authorities in Prahova county announced. He was found on the southern slope of the Bucegi Mountains.

Irina Marica, irina.marica@romania-insider.com

(photo source: Stocksnap.io)


Update: American tourist goes missing in Romania while paragliding

06 June 2018

Military firefighters, mountain rescuers and gendarmes are searching for an American paraglider who went missing in the Bucegi Mountains on Wednesday, June 6.

The American tourist was with two other paragliders when he went missing, namely another American and a New Zealander, according to the Emergency Inspectorate Unit of Prahova county (ISU Prahova). All three of them were gliding from the Caraiman Cross to the city of Busteni, but only two of them reached the destination. The two paragliders called the emergency number when they realized something happened to their friend.

The search teams are accompanied by two helicopters.

Update: The missing American tourist was found dead after more than eight hours of searches, the authorities in Prahova county announced. He was found on the southern slope of the Bucegi Mountains.

Irina Marica, irina.marica@romania-insider.com

(photo source: Stocksnap.io)


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