Romanian market regulator compels Netcity to open its network to competition

NetCity Telecom, the operator of Bucharest’s underground fiber optics network, will have to reduce its tariffs and offer non-discriminatory access conditions to its network to all operators within 60 days, otherwise it would be liable to pay a fine of RON 30,000 (EUR 6,400) for each day of delay, according to a decision by the telecom regulator ANCOM.
The company claims the decision is “a severe, inappropriate intervention that could affect infrastructure investments, local budgets and citizens' comfort” and says it will seek solutions to restore a fair operating framework, local reported.
On the other hand, ANCOM argues that the decision will be reflected in more attractive prices and competitive services for Bucharest’s citizens. This decision is the result of a particularly laborious process that has been taking place over several years in the context of the adoption of new legislation in the field of electronic communications network infrastructure, ANCOM’s head Sorin Grindeanu explained.
Netcity Telecom is the operator of the namesake network, responsible for financing it 100%, for its implementation and operation, based on a concession contract signed in 2008 with the Bucharest City Hall for a period of 49 years, with an annual royalty of 12% of its revenues.
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