Ansaldo signs memorandum of understanding for Romania’s nuke expansion, retooling

Italian provider of nuclear power solutions Ansaldo Nucleare, backed by Italian export trade agency SACE, signed a memorandum of understanding with Romania’s Nuclearelectrica, the operator of the country’s sole nuclear plant located at Cernavoda. The MoU regards the retooling of Unit 1, as well as the planned construction of the two new units (3 and 4).
Ansaldo has expressed its interest in formulating an offer for the provision of engineering and project management services, the acquisition, installation, and commissioning of components and systems, mainly for the classic (non-nuclear) part of the plant, necessary for the completion and commissioning of both of the project of Unit 1, as well as of Units 3 and 4, and confirmed the interest to submit an offer regarding the provision of the services mentioned above.
SACE expressed its interest in supporting the financing of the two projects (retooling, construction of new units) with an amount of up to EUR 2 billion under the SACE procedures, the conditions negotiated by the parties, and the related approvals of the relevant Italian authorities.
"The refurbishment of Unit 1 of the Cernavoda nuclear power plant and the completion of Units 3 and 4 will lead, after 2031, to the generation of approximately 66% of Romania's clean energy, with a significant impact on decarbonization by avoiding 15 million tons of CO2 per year," said Cosmin Ghiță, the general director of Nuclearelectrica.
"We are delighted to be an active part of the support granted by Italy to the Romanian nuclear program. Our intervention will support Ansaldo Nucleare and, with it, the entire Italian nuclear supply chain," said Filippo Giansante, president of SACE.
(Photo source: Andrea/