APTIQ Global strengthens its presence in Romania with the addition of two new partners in its legal consultancy division, APTIQ Legal

APTIQ Global offers integrated professional services in all relevant areas of a company's activity
APTIQ Global announces that the company’s legal division, APTIQ Legal, has partnered with business lawyer Diana Dinu Dobrin and Gal Ghilasi Procopciuc law firm (Brasov), aiming to consolidate on the Romanian market.
APTIQ Global differentiates on the market by its "one-stop shop" approach, providing integrated professional services in virtually all relevant area in an organization: audit, legal, M&A, tax and accounting, IT, human resources.
The company is also present in Germany (Stuttgart), Italy (Milan), Spain (Barcelona, Madrid) and Switzerland (Zurich).
APTIQ Global has an entrepreneurial structure, incorporating partnerships with experienced professionals in these fields, and, as of this year, it has been expanding in Bucharest and other major cities across Romania and abroad.
These two partnerships aim at emphasizing the company’s entrepreneurial spirit and supporting clients through pragmatic, cost-effective approaches, both in Bucharest and in other important Romanian cities. APTIQ Legal’s projects are directly managed by teams of senior lawyers, each with more than 15 years of experience, alongside the APTIQ Tax team and partners in other practice areas such as M&A and project management – which is also another significant differentiator.
"I am delighted to be partnering with APTIQ's multidisciplinary team and motivated to work with an accomplished team of professionals to strengthen APTIQ Legal together, especially as we share the same individual and business values. In addition, my previous experience in large law firms and in a Big4 has shown me that often an integrated package of professional services is more effective for a client's business than the sum of its component services", said Diana Dinu Dobrin, APTIQ Legal’s new Partner specialising in administrative, tax and commercial litigation.
"At this point we believe we are fully prepared, in terms of resources, skills and experience, to provide high-quality professional services in the public procurement, tax, real estate, and M&A litigation. The know-how and reputation of APTIQ teams in these and related areas (tax, business and transactional advisory, international investor relations, HR, etc.) allows us to help clients of all sizes and in all industries in the relevant aspects of their businesses. Moreover, this structure gives our firm the opportunity to be geographically closer to our clients in Transylvania and to support them in their long-term business plans, considering APTIQ’s significant experience and know-how", added Șandor Gal, founding partner of Gal Ghilasi Procopciuc law firm in Brasov.
About Diana Dinu Dobrin:
Diana specializes in administrative and tax litigation and commercial and IT law litigation, advising and representing clients before public institutions and the Romanian courts. Prior to joining APTIQ Legal, Diana worked with some of the largest law firms in Romania (NNDKP, Reff & Asociații | Deloitte Legal), where she specialized in tax and commercial litigation, and in solo practice, supported significant players in industries such as IT, HoReCa, retail, agriculture, construction and real estate.
About Gal Ghilasi Procopciuc:
Gal Ghilasi Procopciuc's team consists of lawyers who previously worked in the local office in Brasov of a prestigious law firm, one of the largest in Romania, and have extensive experience in representing clients before the Romanian courts on civil, commercial, public procurement, labour law and administrative litigation matters.
About APTIQ Global:
APTIQ Global is a one-stop shop boutique consultancy offering a full package of professional services for the entire life cycle of companies. APTIQ Global provides integrated tax, legal, valuation, mergers and acquisitions, management consulting and project management services in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia, with plans for growth and expansion aimed at co-opting specialists with significant experience in these areas to strengthen the network with integrated teams.
*This is a press release.