News from Companies

Romania’s Financial Supervisory Authority approves the transfer of AROBS shares on the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange

07 September 2023

AROBS Transilvania Software (BVB: AROBS), the largest technology company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, announces that the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) has approved the prospectus for the admission to trading of AROBS shares on The Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

"The transfer to the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange represents one of the major objectives we have announced at the company listing on the AeRO market. In the following period, we will focus on completing the last formalities in this direction, and we target the date of September 25 as the debut of AROBS shares on the Main Market. We want to assure the investors who follow us that the transfer is only an intermediate step in our plans. We don't stop here and are already working on achieving the following objectives on the capital market: entry into local and regional indices and attracting institutional investors through a share capital increase. Another important moment for us in the last months was the inclusion of AROBS shares in the MSCI indices. This validates our financial and operational performance and supports us in AROBS's strategy to improve the liquidity of its shares and attract international institutional investors", stated Voicu Oprean, founder and CEO of AROBS.

On August 10, 2023, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) announced the inclusion of AROBS shares in the MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap index and the MSCI Romania Small Cap index as of August 31, 2023. The inclusion of the company's shares in these indexes represents a significant moment for AROBS and attests to its solid performance and growth potential. Moreover, in August this year, Wood & Company and BRK Financial published a buy recommendation for AROBS shares within their research coverage reports.

AROBS began the transfer procedures to the Main Market this year, the most important and challenging step in this endeavor being the translation of the financial statements into IFRS format. At the end of July, the company published the financial results audited according to IFRS standards for 2022, 2021, and 2020. Thus, according to the mentioned financial statements, AROBS recorded in 2022, at the consolidated level, a turnover of 299.8 million lei, a 61% increase compared to 2021, normalized EBITDA of 76.3 million lei, +35% compared to 2021, and a normalized net profit of 53.1 million lei, a 15% appreciation compared to 2021. Normalized EBITDA represents EBITDA without the non-cash impact of the Stock Option Plan (SOP), and normalized net profit excludes the effect generated by SOP programs. The financial results for the first half of 2023 will be published on September 28.

"The evolution of AROBS since listing on the AeRO market, in terms of liquidity and market capitalization, confirms our objective to transfer to the Main Market. With this transfer and by raising fresh capital, we will be able to continue the development strategy, implementation of the company's future investments, the expansion, and, at the same time, the consolidation of the geographical footprint at the international level", stated Bogdan Ciungradi, CFO of AROBS.

Founded 25 years ago, AROBS is the largest technology company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. AROBS shares are listed on the AeRO market, and the company's capitalization is approximately RON 905 million (EUR 183 mln). Since listing in 2021 to date, AROBS has carried out nine acquisitions. In 2021, the Berg Software company was acquired; in 2022, AROBS Engineering (former business line Enea Software Development Services Romania), the Nordlogic group, and Centrul de Soft GPS Romania were acquired. In 2023, AROBS acquired two entities from the Republic of Moldova, AROBS Software and AROBS TrackGPS, AROBS Polska (formerly SYDERAL Polska), Future WorkForce Group and AROBS Pannonia Software from Hungary.

"After the private placement in October 2021, the acquisition process followed the announced rhythm of acquiring one company per quarter, managing to bring the subsidiaries from the Republic of Moldova and Hungary to the Group. From a strategic point of view, the next step for AROBS is to ensure the integration of these companies from operational, financial, commercial, and human resources perspectives at the Group level. At the same time, we are also looking for new companies to continue the acquisition process", added Voicu Oprean.

AROBS Transilvania Software provides software services and solutions in various industries, having approximately 70 partners of the Software Services business line located in Europe and America and more than 11.000 clients of the Software Products business lines from Europe and Asia. AROBS is present in 11 locations in Romania and nine abroad, and over 1.200 AROBS specialists and collaborators build solutions for the future in embedded - Automotive, Aerospace, Maritime, and Medical - as well as Travel Technology, IoT, Clinical Trials, Fintech, Enterprise Solutions, Cybersecurity, and Intelligent Automation.

*This is a press release.

News from Companies

Romania’s Financial Supervisory Authority approves the transfer of AROBS shares on the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange

07 September 2023

AROBS Transilvania Software (BVB: AROBS), the largest technology company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, announces that the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) has approved the prospectus for the admission to trading of AROBS shares on The Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

"The transfer to the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange represents one of the major objectives we have announced at the company listing on the AeRO market. In the following period, we will focus on completing the last formalities in this direction, and we target the date of September 25 as the debut of AROBS shares on the Main Market. We want to assure the investors who follow us that the transfer is only an intermediate step in our plans. We don't stop here and are already working on achieving the following objectives on the capital market: entry into local and regional indices and attracting institutional investors through a share capital increase. Another important moment for us in the last months was the inclusion of AROBS shares in the MSCI indices. This validates our financial and operational performance and supports us in AROBS's strategy to improve the liquidity of its shares and attract international institutional investors", stated Voicu Oprean, founder and CEO of AROBS.

On August 10, 2023, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) announced the inclusion of AROBS shares in the MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap index and the MSCI Romania Small Cap index as of August 31, 2023. The inclusion of the company's shares in these indexes represents a significant moment for AROBS and attests to its solid performance and growth potential. Moreover, in August this year, Wood & Company and BRK Financial published a buy recommendation for AROBS shares within their research coverage reports.

AROBS began the transfer procedures to the Main Market this year, the most important and challenging step in this endeavor being the translation of the financial statements into IFRS format. At the end of July, the company published the financial results audited according to IFRS standards for 2022, 2021, and 2020. Thus, according to the mentioned financial statements, AROBS recorded in 2022, at the consolidated level, a turnover of 299.8 million lei, a 61% increase compared to 2021, normalized EBITDA of 76.3 million lei, +35% compared to 2021, and a normalized net profit of 53.1 million lei, a 15% appreciation compared to 2021. Normalized EBITDA represents EBITDA without the non-cash impact of the Stock Option Plan (SOP), and normalized net profit excludes the effect generated by SOP programs. The financial results for the first half of 2023 will be published on September 28.

"The evolution of AROBS since listing on the AeRO market, in terms of liquidity and market capitalization, confirms our objective to transfer to the Main Market. With this transfer and by raising fresh capital, we will be able to continue the development strategy, implementation of the company's future investments, the expansion, and, at the same time, the consolidation of the geographical footprint at the international level", stated Bogdan Ciungradi, CFO of AROBS.

Founded 25 years ago, AROBS is the largest technology company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. AROBS shares are listed on the AeRO market, and the company's capitalization is approximately RON 905 million (EUR 183 mln). Since listing in 2021 to date, AROBS has carried out nine acquisitions. In 2021, the Berg Software company was acquired; in 2022, AROBS Engineering (former business line Enea Software Development Services Romania), the Nordlogic group, and Centrul de Soft GPS Romania were acquired. In 2023, AROBS acquired two entities from the Republic of Moldova, AROBS Software and AROBS TrackGPS, AROBS Polska (formerly SYDERAL Polska), Future WorkForce Group and AROBS Pannonia Software from Hungary.

"After the private placement in October 2021, the acquisition process followed the announced rhythm of acquiring one company per quarter, managing to bring the subsidiaries from the Republic of Moldova and Hungary to the Group. From a strategic point of view, the next step for AROBS is to ensure the integration of these companies from operational, financial, commercial, and human resources perspectives at the Group level. At the same time, we are also looking for new companies to continue the acquisition process", added Voicu Oprean.

AROBS Transilvania Software provides software services and solutions in various industries, having approximately 70 partners of the Software Services business line located in Europe and America and more than 11.000 clients of the Software Products business lines from Europe and Asia. AROBS is present in 11 locations in Romania and nine abroad, and over 1.200 AROBS specialists and collaborators build solutions for the future in embedded - Automotive, Aerospace, Maritime, and Medical - as well as Travel Technology, IoT, Clinical Trials, Fintech, Enterprise Solutions, Cybersecurity, and Intelligent Automation.

*This is a press release.


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