Around-the-world electric car race 80edays to reach Romania this week

The 11 international teams that aim to go around the world in electric cars are to reach Romania this week, on August 13, reports local They will enter Romania from Ukraine, through the Siret customs, and will pass (and stop) through Suceava, Bucharest, Brasov, Sibiu, and Arad.
The cars’ arrival in Bucharest will be marked in two ways: a tree will be planted in Izvor Park on August 15, while an exhibition will be organized in the George Enescu Square later the same day.
The challenge, called 80edays, aims to accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility with the world’s largest and most competitive 100% electric car rally around the globe. The teams have to drive 25,000 km in 80 days or less, by crossing 20 countries on 3 continents.
The race started in Barcelona in mid-June. The 11 teams are from Switzerland, Spain, Germany, China, Hungary, USA, Czech Republic, Italy, and Austria. Ten of them drive electric cars, while the Hungarian team take part in the challenge with a Modulo bus.
The teams are to leave Romania on August 18. Find out more about the event here.
German retailer Kaufland opens first Fast Charge stations for electric cars in Romania
Irina Popescu,
(Photo source: 80edays on Facebook)