Austerity measures trigger social protests across the county

Social protests have started across Romania since the state representatives have announced pensions and public salaries cuts. 500 pensioners protested yesterday in front of then Cotroceni Palace, the headquarters of the presidential administration. Similar size protests were organized in other counties in Romania.
The announcement that the state would cut the child care allowance for mothers has also triggered discontent and the first steps for organizing a protest action which will be announced in the coming days.
Meanwhile, workers unions are starting a series of protests in Victoriei Square and in front of the Cotroceni Palace, with 1,000 people protesting every day during four days. The unions will decide whether top start a general strike in the public system. A bigger protest, with 40,000 participants, will take place on May 19, in Victoriei Square, where the Romanian Government headquarters are located.
Teachers have also announced their plans to go on strike if their requests won't be solved. The strike is likely to start on May 31st.