Australian motivation guru Allan Pease comes to Bucharest this October

19 March 2012

The Australian author and motivational speaker Allan Pease (in picture) will be in Bucharest in October this year. He is best known for his ‘Body Language’ book, which teaches people how to communicate effectively, how to build a personal brand, how to win more from their business, how to learn to know and master body language in personal and professional life.

The Australian writer has conducted research and given seminars in 55 countries. Allan Pease’s work is translated into 51 languages. Moreover, a total of 25 million books have been sold in over 100 countries. Read more about him here.

Organized by 11even, there will be several additional events in Romania between May 25 and May 31, 2012. These events will start at Cluj on May 25, will continue in Iaşi, Sibiu, Bistriţa, Oradea, Timişoara, Braşov, Baia Mare, Alba Iulia, Târgu Mureş, and will end in Bucharest on May 31, 2012. This year’s theme is ‘About courageous people and about people who created joy around them’.

Irina Popescu,

(photo source:


Australian motivation guru Allan Pease comes to Bucharest this October

19 March 2012

The Australian author and motivational speaker Allan Pease (in picture) will be in Bucharest in October this year. He is best known for his ‘Body Language’ book, which teaches people how to communicate effectively, how to build a personal brand, how to win more from their business, how to learn to know and master body language in personal and professional life.

The Australian writer has conducted research and given seminars in 55 countries. Allan Pease’s work is translated into 51 languages. Moreover, a total of 25 million books have been sold in over 100 countries. Read more about him here.

Organized by 11even, there will be several additional events in Romania between May 25 and May 31, 2012. These events will start at Cluj on May 25, will continue in Iaşi, Sibiu, Bistriţa, Oradea, Timişoara, Braşov, Baia Mare, Alba Iulia, Târgu Mureş, and will end in Bucharest on May 31, 2012. This year’s theme is ‘About courageous people and about people who created joy around them’.

Irina Popescu,

(photo source:


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