RO robotics team awarded at Chicago Robotics Invitational 2021

The Romanian robotics team AutoVortex won the top prize at the Chicago Robotics Invitational competition, which took place between July 16 and July 17, reported.
The team is coordinated by professor Ionuţ Valentin Panea, from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) and mentored by student Ion Rareş Ştefan.
The team includes Cudrici Dimitrie Sebastian (Tudor Vianu Informatics College in Bucharest), Cezar Andrei Dunuţă (Sfântul Sava National College in Bucharest), Brînzan Victor (British School Bucharest), Radu Andrei Laurenţiu (Vladimir Streinu National College in Găeşti), Grec Carina Gabriela (Şcoala Centrală National College in Bucharest), Amariei Claudia Catrinel (Mihai Viteazul National College in Bucharest), Vasile Theodor Adrian (Mihai Neculce National College in Bucharest), Iacob Ana Maria (Tudor Vianu Informatics College in Bucharest), Caraenache Ştefan (Matei Basarab Viteazul National College in Bucharest), Ungureanu Radu (Petru Maior Technical College in Bucharest), Milea Răzvan Iacob (Mihai Viteazul National College in Bucharest), Ungureanu Victor Bogdan (Cronos High School in Bucharest), Rusu Luca (American School), Vişoiu Mihnea (Informatics High School in Bucharest), and Melnic Mihai (Informatics High School in Iaşi).
It is the first time a Romanian team wins the competition, as previous winners have been US teams, the Romanian Consulate in Chicago noted.
The competition winners are listed here.
(Photo: Autovortex Romania Facebook Page)