Average monthly labor costs in Romania increased by 15% in 2017

The average monthly labor costs amounted to RON 4,008 (EUR 877) per employee in 2017, up by 14.7% compared to the previous year, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INS).
The average labor cost was significantly higher in information and communication, almost 90% over the average in the economy, followed by mining and quarrying and financial and insurance activities (+86% over the national average each).
The lowest average labor cost was in the accommodation and food services sector, 41% below the average in the economy.
The evolution in the average labor cost reflects the evolutions in the average gross and net wage. The average monthly net earnings in the Romanian economy in 2017 was RON 2,338 (EUR 512), up by 14.3% over 2016. In the information and communication sector, the average monthly net wage was double compared to the overall average.
The average number of employees in 2017 was 4.95 million, up by 186,500 compared to 2016. The number of employees at the end of December 2017 was 5.36 million, an increase of 138,600 versus December 2016.
Minimum gross wage in Romania will increase by 7.9% in January 2019