Average wage up 3.3% year-on-year in March in Romania

The gross average wage in Romania was up by 3.3 percent in March this year compared to the same month of 2011, to some RON 2,126 (some EUR 487), according to data from the country's Statistics Institute. Net nominal average earning was RON 1,543 (some EUR 353), up from previous month by 4.8 percent, the highest values being recorded in the tobacco industry and lowest in hotels and restaurants, according to figures announced Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
Thus, the average earning in the tobacco industry was RON 5,075 (some EUR 1,163), and in hotels and restaurants it was RON 838 (some EUR 192).
“In March 2012, for most activities in the economic sector, the net average earning was higher than in February 2012 following occassional profit-related bonuses and other funds (including lunch and gift vouchers)," according to the Statistics Institute's statement.
The most significant increases were recorded in the manufacturing of basic pharmaceutical products ( 38 percent), in the manufacturing of other non-metallic mineral products, in financial intermediation (except insurance and pension funds), insurance, reinsurance and pension funds, except compulsory social security system (between 15 percent or 19 percent), for beverages production, tobacco industry, water transport, electric equipment, among others.
There was a slight decrease in average net earnings compared to the previous month in the budget sector, in education, health and welfare.
During the year, earning flows are mainly determined by annual awards and holiday bonuses, which influence the increases or decreases depending on the period they are granted.
The full statistics statement here.
Ioana Toader, ioana.toader@romania-insider.com