Six aviation bombs found near national road in Romania

27 April 2018

Six 500-kg aviation bombs were found on Thursday, April 26, near the DN2 national road, not far from the city of Focsani.

The first bomb was found at around 14:00 by a local who was carrying out agriculture works on the field near the national road. The pyrotechnic team of the Focsani Fire Department was sent to the place where the man found the aviation bomb. There, they found five other similar bombs.

The pyrotechnic team took all six aviation bombs and transported them to a safe place. The bombs were destroyed on Friday morning.

People who find such unexploded ammunition are advised not to touch it, hit it or throw it. Also, they should immediately call the emergency number 112.

Aviation bomb found on Romanian beach

Irina Marica,

(photo source: ISU Vrancea on Facebook)


Six aviation bombs found near national road in Romania

27 April 2018

Six 500-kg aviation bombs were found on Thursday, April 26, near the DN2 national road, not far from the city of Focsani.

The first bomb was found at around 14:00 by a local who was carrying out agriculture works on the field near the national road. The pyrotechnic team of the Focsani Fire Department was sent to the place where the man found the aviation bomb. There, they found five other similar bombs.

The pyrotechnic team took all six aviation bombs and transported them to a safe place. The bombs were destroyed on Friday morning.

People who find such unexploded ammunition are advised not to touch it, hit it or throw it. Also, they should immediately call the emergency number 112.

Aviation bomb found on Romanian beach

Irina Marica,

(photo source: ISU Vrancea on Facebook)




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