Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca to open competence center in climate change
A national consortium led by Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca, one of Romania’s highest-ranked institutions, will open a EUR 3.8 million-worth national center of competence in the field of climate change in Cluj-Napoca.
The consortium includes the University of Bucharest (Unibuc), the National School of Meteorology, the National Institute for Aerospace Research, the National Institute for Research and Development in Optoelectronics, and other socio/academic institutions.
Four other competence centers will be organized in Bucharest; UBB is part of one of them, in the field of ocean and water restoration.
“In addition, the center comes to complement the institutions of UBB in this fundamental field for human civilization at this moment of its evolution, namely the recently approved UNESCO Chair in Sustainability and Climate Change,” says UBB rector Dr. Daniel David.
Additionally, the university also partnered up with the Institute of Oncology Cluj-Napoca to organize a second competence center in the field of oncology (cancer) which “shows the advanced competence in the field of our colleagues and which I am sure will benefit the entire health ecosystem in the city.”
(Photo: UBB Cluj/Facebook)