Lower Baccalaureate pass rate in Romania

The pass rate for the first session of the Baccalaureate exam, including the students who came from previous promotions, is 67.7%, according to a press release from the Ministry of National Education. This is lower than the final pass rate of the 2017 Baccalaureate, of 71.4%.
When taking into account only the graduates who completed high school studies in the 2017-2018 school year and took the exams of the Baccalaureate in the first session, the pass rate is of 72.7%.
High pass rates were recorded in the counties of Cluj (81.14%), Iasi (80.27%) and Braila (77.13%). The promotion rate in Bucharest was 72.86%. A total of 104 students got the perfect score – 10, more than last year, when the number stood at 94.
The students who are unhappy with the grades can file complaints until Wednesday afternoon, July 4, 16:00. The final results will be released on Monday, July 9.
A total of 136,866 students registered for the first session of the Baccalaureate but only 123,615 took the exams. A total of 117 candidates were eliminated for fraud or attempted fraud. They will not be able to sign up for the next two sessions of the Baccalaureate.
The Baccalaureate pass rate has improved significantly in Romania over the past years, from 59.2% in 2014 to 66.4% in 2015, 66.7% in 2016 and 71.4% in 2017.
Irina Marica, irina.marica@romania-insider.com