Bad weather closes down railways and ports, over 100 trains canceled in Romania, but normal air traffic

26 January 2014

Bad weather has led to canceling hundreds of trains, closed down three railways in Romania, but only a few flights were canceled in the meantime.

Several flights to and from Romania's main airport Otopeni in Bucharest have been canceled because of the bad weather. It has been snowing in Romania in the last two days. Regions in the south and south – east of the country are also affected by blizzards.

A flight from Vienna which should have landed on Sunday at 20,00 was canceled, and so was the return flight to Vienna at 20:50. Flights to from Thessaloniki in Greece, which should have landed on Sunday, January 27, were also canceled. Most of the flights which took off in the first part of the day on Sunday had delays, some even more than two hours.

A flight to Larnaca due to take off 21:55 on Sunday was also canceled.

However, Bucharest airport officials said the traffic was normalizing towards the end of the day on Sunday. More information on arrivals and departures to and from the Bucharest airport is here.

The situation is however worse at the main railway station, Gara de Nord. After trains had long delays, some of several hours, many trains were canceled. A live feed of the arrivals and departures board at the Gara de Nord is here, showing the number of minutes the train is expected to be delayed.

Over 100 trains were canceled, and three lines were completely closed down: Bucureşti Sud - Olteniţa, Ploieşti - Urziceni and Cilibia - C.A. Rosetti.

Railway traffic was restricted on the following routes: Bucharest - Urziceni, Buzău - Făurei Fir 2, Comarnic - Valea Largă, Dudeşti - Spicu, Făurei - Urziceni, Goleşti - Călineşti, Lehliu - Feteşti, Mărăşeşti - Barboşi, Palas - Valu lui Traian, Piteşti - Piatra Olt, Ploieşti - Rîmnicu Sărat, Rîmnicu Sărat - Adjud and Urziceni – Făurei. Overall, 117 trains were canceled.

Meanwhile, Romania's ports are closed, and no ships are allowed to leave.


Bad weather closes down railways and ports, over 100 trains canceled in Romania, but normal air traffic

26 January 2014

Bad weather has led to canceling hundreds of trains, closed down three railways in Romania, but only a few flights were canceled in the meantime.

Several flights to and from Romania's main airport Otopeni in Bucharest have been canceled because of the bad weather. It has been snowing in Romania in the last two days. Regions in the south and south – east of the country are also affected by blizzards.

A flight from Vienna which should have landed on Sunday at 20,00 was canceled, and so was the return flight to Vienna at 20:50. Flights to from Thessaloniki in Greece, which should have landed on Sunday, January 27, were also canceled. Most of the flights which took off in the first part of the day on Sunday had delays, some even more than two hours.

A flight to Larnaca due to take off 21:55 on Sunday was also canceled.

However, Bucharest airport officials said the traffic was normalizing towards the end of the day on Sunday. More information on arrivals and departures to and from the Bucharest airport is here.

The situation is however worse at the main railway station, Gara de Nord. After trains had long delays, some of several hours, many trains were canceled. A live feed of the arrivals and departures board at the Gara de Nord is here, showing the number of minutes the train is expected to be delayed.

Over 100 trains were canceled, and three lines were completely closed down: Bucureşti Sud - Olteniţa, Ploieşti - Urziceni and Cilibia - C.A. Rosetti.

Railway traffic was restricted on the following routes: Bucharest - Urziceni, Buzău - Făurei Fir 2, Comarnic - Valea Largă, Dudeşti - Spicu, Făurei - Urziceni, Goleşti - Călineşti, Lehliu - Feteşti, Mărăşeşti - Barboşi, Palas - Valu lui Traian, Piteşti - Piatra Olt, Ploieşti - Rîmnicu Sărat, Rîmnicu Sărat - Adjud and Urziceni – Făurei. Overall, 117 trains were canceled.

Meanwhile, Romania's ports are closed, and no ships are allowed to leave.




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