Banca Transilvania offers Italian residents real estate loans for properties in Romania

Romanian lender Banca Transilvania, via its BT Italy branch, has launched the first real estate loan for people residing in Italy who want to buy properties in Romania.
Romanian or Italian citizens who live in Italy can now buy homes, holiday houses or lands in Romania with a loan from BT Italy. The bank grants between EUR 5,500 and EUR 250,000 for a maximum period of 30 years.
Clients must meet several conditions for taking such a loan from Banca Transilvania. They should have a permanent income in Italy and/or Romania, not have other loans. They should also be under 70 years at the end of the lending period.
Those interested in such loans, can find out the interest rates and the value of their monthly installments on BT Italia’s website, in the credits simulator section. They can also apply online for such a credit.
The BT Italy branch was opened in January 2014 and currently has some 2,000 customers.
Romanian Banca Transilvania ends Q1 with higher gross profit.
Irina Popescu,