Famous drug store and baby products store in Bucharest expands to Constanta

The Farmacia Tei drug store chain and Bebe Tei baby products store, which are very popular in Bucharest, will open their first units outside the capital, in Constanta.
The two retailers will have stores in the VIVO! Constanta mall owned by Immofinanz. Bebe Tei will occupy 1.750 sqm in the mall and Farmacia Tei will have a 650-sqm unit.
The two retail chains are controlled by Bucharest entrepreneur Roxana Maftei. She opened the first Farmacia Tei unit on the Tei Boulevard in Bucharest, hence the name. The first Bebe Tei unit was also opened in the same area.
Farmacia Tei also has a unit in the Dristor area and one in Plaza Romania, while Bebe Tei has large stores in Sun Plaza and Plaza Romania.