Beer sales in Romania down 9% y/y in January-May

The beer sales in Romania decreased by 9% y/y in the first five months of the year, according to Berarii Romaniei (Brewers of Romania), an association that accounts for 90% of the beer sales in the country.
The weather and the households' budgets on the demand side and the rising production cost and higher excise duty on the supply side contributed to the decline, which comes on top of the 5% contraction in 2022 (to 15.8 mln hl).
"2023 is an extremely challenging year for Romania's brewers, who are all making efforts to keep activity at a stable level in the context of Romanians' shrinking purchasing power. The potential of the local beer market is robust, but fiscal predictability is essential," argues Julia Leferman, general manager of the Brewers of Romania Association.
As of August 1, 2022, the value of the excise duty on beer increased by 20% and starting with January 1, 2023, it increased by another 6% – to RON 4.20/hl/°Plato.
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