Beltrame to begin production of rebar at COS Targoviste in June

The Italian group Beltrame, a producer of steel bars and other special steels that owns in Romania the Donalam Călăraşi plant, will invest more than EUR 250 mln in the newly acquired COS Târgovişte special steel plant. Production will start in the coming months.
The investments will generate 200 new jobs in the first stage, with up to 1,000 jobs envisaged at the full completion of the project.
Carlo Beltrame, the group business development at AFV Beltrame, recently told Ziarul Financiar that the company's plan is to start production in Târgovişte in June.
The production unit will reduce for the first time the imports of rolled wire and rebar, after years in which they have not been produced locally.
The investments in Târgovişte aim at transforming the old plant into the most modern factory for the production of special steel, with carbon emissions at one of the lowest levels in Europe, according to a Government statement issued after Beltrame's representatives met prime minister Nicolae Ciuca on March 16.
(Photo courtesy of the company)