BestJobs survey: A quarter of Romanian employees would prefer to continue working remotely

The easing of the COVID-19 restrictions brought into question the employees’ possible return to the office after more than a year of working from home or other spaces where they felt safe and comfortable.
According to a survey by the BestJobs recruitment platform, almost a quarter (24%) of Romanian employees would prefer to continue working from home (or in a hybrid system that favours this way of working). Meanwhile, most (43%) would like to return to the office or work in a hybrid system (but one that would involve more office work), while 33% are still undecided.
Employee productivity is the main aspect in evaluating the most efficient way of working. In this context, 53% said they do not notice significant changes in the current work system compared to the beginning of the pandemic. Almost a quarter (23%) have adapted so well to the changes in this period that they even managed to increase their productivity. In comparison, for 17%, this prolonged effort affected the efficiency of their work.
Asked to say what influences their productivity the most, 23% pointed to the pressure of multitasking, 19% indicated the unpredictable work schedule, which no longer makes it possible to delimit between personal and professional life, while a similar percentage pointed to the high volume of work.
According to the same survey, the employees believe that the manager could offer them some benefits for better performance at work. For example, 37% of respondents said they would need professional development training, 22% would enjoy a flexible schedule, while 12% would like extra days off. For others (8%), it would be important to receive financial support for the supervision of children during the program (nanny, afterschool, nursery, etc.), but also access to wellness services (5%) or psychological counselling (3%).
More than half of respondents (56%) concluded that, to survive on the current labour market shaped by the pandemic, one needs to show adaptability or even the ability to reinvent yourself professionally. Meanwhile, 21% consider that their resistance to stress and effort was useful. 11% focus on communication and as much on digital skills.
The survey was conducted between June 4 and June 14 on a sample of 937 internet users in Romania.
(Photo source: Martinmark/